How to find a Living original Siddhar?
I am dedicating this website to my beloved Shirdi SaiBaba
I am dedicating this website to my beloved Shirdi SaiBaba
How to find a Living original Siddhar?
வாழ்ந்துக்கொண்டிருக்கும் உண்மையான சித்தர் ஒருவரை எவ்வாறு கண்டுபிடிப்பது?
- When people search for Siddhar, most of the people decide if a person is a real Siddhar or not based on the level of wisdom the Siddhar talks.
- One cannot identify whether a Siddhar is true or not with their limited knowledge.
- Can a fifth-standard student test a university professor? In the same way, can anyone, whose wisdom is like the knowledge of a fifth-standard student, find a Siddhar who has complete wisdom (Gnana)?
- Today, in this world, most people with their limited knowledge are adamant about believing what they believe as truth to be the truth.
- Once I was also like these adamant persons with limited beliefs.
- By God’s grace, I met a true Siddhar after which I came to know my mistake on judging Siddhars with my limited knowledge.
- It is true that one cannot identify if a Siddhar is real with their limited knowledge.
- My Guru tells if one has enough wisdom to identify a real Siddhar themselves, then he doesn’t need Guru at all. This seemed fair to me.
- We should not decide about a Siddhar based on our knowledge. Because, whatever wisdom he says, may be true or may not be true or maybe copied from some real Siddhar. (You can see a lot of news about fake Guru these days).
- Without attaining the Siddhar stage, many claims themselves as Siddhar and cheats people nowadays.
- My guru has given me the knowledge of identifying a true Siddhar among the people who claims themselves as Siddhar.
- If you want to get this knowledge on how to identify a real Siddhar, please continue reading.
How to find a Living original Siddhar?
- When people search for Siddhar, most of the people decide if a person is a real Siddhar or not based on the level of wisdom the Siddhar talks.One cannot identify whether a Siddhar is true or not with their limited knowledge.
- Can a fifth-standard student test a university professor? In the same way, can anyone, whose wisdom is like the knowledge of a fifth-standard student, find a Siddhar who has complete wisdom (Gnana)?
- Today, in this world, most people with their limited knowledge are adamant about believing what they believe as truth to be the truth.
- Once I was also like these adamant persons with limited beliefs.
- By God’s grace, I met a true Siddhar after which I came to know my mistake on judging Siddhars with my limited knowledge.
- It is true that one cannot identify if a Siddhar is real with their limited knowledge.
My Guru tells if one has enough wisdom to identify a real Siddhar themselves, then he doesn’t need Guru at all. This seemed fair to me.
We should not decide about a Siddhar based on our knowledge. Because, whatever wisdom he says, may be true or may not be true or maybe copied from some real Siddhar. (You can see a lot of news about fake Guru these days).
- Without attaining the Siddhar stage, one claims themselves as Siddhar and cheats people nowadays.
- My guru has given me the knowledge of identifying a true Siddhar when one claims themselves as Siddhar.
- If you want to get this knowledge on how to identify a real Siddhar, please continue reading.
I am dedicating this website to my beloved Shirdi SaiBaba

- Many claim themselves as Siddhar ( the highest stage of Soul ) without attaining the stage of Siddhar.
- The Siddhar is also called as Gnani / Yogi / Rishi / Sage / Swamiji / Spiritual Guide / Spiritual Guru / Spiritual Master / Spiritual Philosopher / Sadhu / Saint.
- In this situation, do you like to know how to identify an Original Living Siddhar who is in connection with God?
- From my childhood, I am very much attracted towards Shirdi Sai Baba.
- As Vedas say, you need a living Saint to get the guidance to attain Athma Shanthi (which is otherwise called as Mukthi, Salvation, Ghee stage of Soul etc.,).I was sincerely searching fifteen years for a true living Siddhar like Shirdi Sai Baba. But I could not find anyone like Him.
- At last, I cried by heart and prayed to Shirdi Sai Baba to show me a living saint like Him to guide me.
- Surprisingly, Shirdi Sai Baba appeared in my dream one day and showed me a true living Saint and also the place where He lives and told me to go and meet Him.
- Immediately I went and met the Saint and told HIM that by the Grace of God, I was guided by Shirdi Sai baba in my dream to meet Him.
- The Saint told me that Shirdi Sai Baba is the greatest Saint sent by God to this world for the sake of God lovers.
- He also proved through evidence from Vedas and other believable sources that he is an original Siddhar (Saint). So, I whole heartedly accepted Him as my Spiritual Guru.
- He also gave me the knowledge regarding how to find out a living Saint (Siddhar).
- Here, I am sharing the knowledge of what I have received from My Guru, for the sake of people, who sincerely wish to meet a living Siddhar.

- There cannot be any creation without a Ultimate Divine Force.
- If there is a creation, there should be a root Divine Force from which the existing universe has emerged through evolution.
- This root ultimate Divine Force is generally called as God, Adhiparasakthi, Allah, Heavenly Father, Yehova, etc.

- Light can be perceived only through eyes while sound only through ears.
- Just because eyes cannot hear the sound, can an eye say, “I am unable to hear the sound, so I will not accept the existence of sound”?
- In the same way, the ear cannot see the light, can an ear say, “I am unable to see the light, so I will not accept the existence of light”?
- In the same way, just because man is unable to realize God through his sixth intelligence, man should not say that “There is no God”.

- As God has created eyes to see the light and ears to hear the sound, he has created the Seventh intelligence to realize him.
- Hence, only through seventh intelligence, you can directly realize and experience the presence of God.
- Those who have realized the presence of God through seventh intelligence are called in various names such as Siddhar, Spiritual Guru, Spiritual Master, Spiritual Guide, Gnani, Saint etc.
- Until a man realizes God directly through the opened seventh intelligence, he has to try believing the presence of the God force only through indirect evidences as how the presence of current is understood through glowing bulb, spinning fan, etc.
- Spiritual Scientists (Siddhars) who lived thousands of years ago had already said lot of things about modern scientist’s inventions which serve as indirect evidences for the existence of God.

- The Science has recorded Man as the highest evolved organism.
- In the same way, Vedas say that God has given the capacity to understand about Him, only to human beings.
- That is why, human beings are recognized as highly evolved creations of God among all His creations.
- Further Vedas also say that the soul of the Man undergoes Spiritual evolution till it reaches the ultimate stage (i.e. peace stage of the soul).
- Vedas call this process as, “Evolution of the soul or Spiritual Evolution (Spiritual Growth)”

1st Stage Milk

2nd Stage Curd

3rd Stage Butter

4th Stage Ghee
- As per Vedas, Seventh intelligence gets opened fully only in the Ghee stage.
- This is also called as the third eye opened state. In Tamil literature this third eye is referred as Netrikkan, Gnanakkan, Agakkan etc….
- The Vedas say that the soul which has attained the Ghee stage alone gets liberated from all the bondages and will be able to realize the Ultimate Divine Force as it is and attains Shanthi (Soul Peace).
- As per Vedas, the ultimate purpose of human birth is to reach this final Soul peace stage.
- Through God’s Grace, once the soul reaches the ghee stage, it attains soul peace and then only it gets liberated from all the bondages after which it starts experiencing eternal Blissful state.
- In Tamil literature, this is referred as Veeduperu, Mukthi, Motcha Nilai and Viduthalai Perinba Peru Nilai.

Regarding The Necessity Of a Living Spiritual Master, God Says Through Bhagavath Gita
Gita 4:34
“Just try to learn the truth by approaching a Spiritual master. Inquire from him submissively and render service unto him. The self-realized soul can impart knowledge unto you because he has seen the truth.”

- The Vedas say that the soul which has attained the Ghee stage through God’s Grace is also referred as soul at eternal peace.
- The one who has attained this stage is called in various names such as Siddhar, Spiritual Guru, Spiritual Guide, Gnani, Messenger of God, Spiritual Philosopher, Saint, Avatar etc.
- The Vedas clearly say that an original Spiritual Master, who has attained this state of Soul at eternal Peace, is necessary for a man to attain soul peace.
- There can be no one who can understand you as much as a Spiritual Guru ( Siddhar, Saint) and He can only give the right guidance to obtain soul peace ( Mukthi ).
- Hence, it is said that there is no God’s Grace without Guru’s Grace.
If you sincerely love and follow any original Siddhar like Shirdi Sai Baba who lived in the past, He will surely guide you to a living Siddhar, because the fact is, only through the guidance of a living Siddhar your soul can get transformed to Mukthi Stage(Ghee Stage).

- That is why the Vedas distinctly say that a human can get Soul peace only through a True living Spiritual Master who has attained the Ghee Stage.
- But currently, many people without attaining this Ghee Stage, claim themselves as Siddhar / Spiritual Master / Spiritual Guru/Spiritual Guide, etc.
- I have met many such people. When I requested these people to prove that they have attained the Ghee stage, they couldn’t prove their claim.
- I have spent about fifteen years in search of a true living Siddhar.
- Being a dedicated disciple of Shirdi Sai Baba, at last I cried by heart and requested Baba to show me a true living Saint like Him.
- Shirdi Sai Baba answered my prayer and showed me a true Saint and the place where He lives, in my dream.
- By the mercy of God, at last, I met the Original living SIDDHAR in person, who was shown to me by the Great Shirdi Sai Baba in my dream.
- He has proved with evidence from the Vedas, that his soul has attained the Ghee stage.
- I was totally convinced with all the evidences which he showed from Vedas and many other believable sources.
- Hence I whole heartedly accepted him as my Spiritual Master (Guru) as mentioned in Bhagavath Gita 4:34 and am living my life as per His directions.
- He also gave me the knowledge regarding how to find out an original living Siddhar

- A person who claims as a Doctor or an Engineer can be verified and confirmed by the degree given by the Government recognised University.
- The Government authorities can be recognised by the ID card issued by the Government.
- In the same way, a person who claims as a Siddhar / Spiritual Master has to prove that he is a Siddhar through concrete evidences from God.
- According to Vedas, a Siddhar is a person who is always in connection with God and gets enlightenment from God.
How to find out that a person who claims as a Siddhar is in connection with God?

- This great knowledge about how to find out a Siddhar will be revealed by my Guru in person to the deserving people who heartily wishes to attain Mukthi (Soul Peace).
- You will be really astonished to know this great knowledge which is hidden in the Vedas.
- Living in Kali yuga, a lot of us are easily mislead by the knowledge given by lot of fake God man and also social media.
- As Soul peace ( mukthi ) can be attained only through an Original Siddhar (Saint), this unique knowledge of finding out a true Saint ( which is not available anywhere in the world ) will help you to find a true Spiritual Guru / Siddhar.
- My Guru will prove through evidences from Vedas that he is also an Original Siddhar.
- He guides the deserving people in the right way as per Vedas to attain Soul peace which is the ultimate goal of a human being.

Some of my Guruji's Preachings
- God who is the basis of love can be attained only through love
- Those who believe whatever they believe only to be true would never get the truthful truth.
- Veda says that one can get soul peace only through an egoless honest life.
- This human society only recognizes materially wealthy persons as successful people. But Vedas only recognizes persons who have attained soul peace as truly successful persons
- Soul that is continuously doing good karmas must definitely get closer to God, the ultimate truth.
- The souls that are locked up in ignorance keep experiencing difficulties and miseries. Souls that frees from this ignorance, starts experiencing the eternal bliss.
- A man has taken birth to destroy his inner enemies. Instead, he tries destroying outer enemies for which he does a lot of things and wastes his lifetime.
- A man who is supposed to live totally fearless and worriless life, due to ignorance, lives in fears and worries every second of his life.
- The diseases in the soul are the root cause of diseases in the body. Therefore, it is said that diseases in body will get cured if diseases of soul get cured.
- By expecting pure, unconditional and impartial love from Jeevatmas (fellow humans), soul ultimately gets disappointed. This disappointment helps them to turn towards God.
- Souls that loves people whole heartedly, over the period of time, starts loving God whole heartedly. Therefore, it is said that souls that don’t love others cannot love God too.
- God removes all fears from the heart of those who fear only God.
- Experiences got from the illusionary things help one to understand the importance of the true thing
- Only Soul Strength determines one’s character
Hence, he never charges anything for the appointment to meet him.
If you are interested to meet my Guruji who is introduced to me by my beloved Shirdi Sai Baba, please fill the details below
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Frequently Asked Questions
Now a days, lot of fake commercial Godman cheat people in the name of GOD. A person who seeks Atma Shanthi ( Soul peace ) can obtain only through the guidance of true Spiritual Guru who has attained Atma Shanthi. This knowledge will be very helpful for the people not to get cheated by Fake Godmen
Yes both are same. Words like Soul peace, liberation of the soul, Salvation, Veedu peru also indicate the final destination of the soul.
Bhagavad Gita clearly say that a living Saint is a must for the guidance to get Mukthi. Only a living Saint can give you specific instructions to attain Mukthi. There is nothing wrong in worshipping Saints who lived in the past. In fact, if you sincerely love them, they will surely guide you to a living Saint, as Sai Baba guided me.
A Saint is sent by God for all human beings. Hence all Human beings are eligible to apply.